Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched the Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Yojana in the state with an aim to promote entrepreneurship among young individuals in Uttar Pradesh. The scheme envisages supporting young individuals with finance so that they can undertake small ventures and engage in income and employment generating activities in Uttar Pradesh. Through this scheme the Uttar Pradesh government will provide an interest-free loan up to INR 5,00,000 to eligible young individuals for starting a new business and earning income that will contribute to the rapid socio-economic development of Uttar Pradesh. The youth of Uttar Pradesh can avail of the scheme benefit and start their own business with the help of this scheme. Read below to check all the details.
Launch of Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Yojana
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath launched the Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Yojana on 24 January 2024 for the youth of the state. The scheme aims to develop one lakh young individuals every year into entrepreneurs and engage them in income and employment generation on a large scale. Through this scheme youth of the state can avail up to Rs. 5.00 lakh loan without any interest and start their small business to earn income. The government seeks to promote entrepreneurship on a large scale in Uttar Pradesh to further speed up economic development. Young individuals aged between 21 and 40 can undertake small ventures by availing of the Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Scheme.
Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Yojana Details in Summary
Name of Scheme | UP Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Yojana |
Concerned State | Uttar Pradesh |
Scheme launch | 24 January 2024 |
Launched by | Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath |
Scheme type | Entrepreneurs support scheme |
Benefits | Interest-free loan up to INR 5.00 lakh |
Beneficiaries | Young population of Uttar Pradesh |
Application Process | Online |
Official Website | |
Aims and Objectives
Due to a lack of finance a large number of young people in Uttar Pradesh are prone to unemployment and as a result they migrate to other states for income and employment. The Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Yojana will provide opportunities and financial support to these young individuals, enabling them to launch small businesses and participate in income-generating activities. Every year about 1 lakh young individuals will be supported with interest-free loans that will mobilise large-scale resources for income and employment generation and youth of the state will become self-dependent. The scheme will be instrumental in paving the way for making Uttar Pradesh a state of entrepreneurs.
See also: Rojgar Sangam Portal Registration
Key Features
- This is a state-sponsored scheme that will be managed by the Government of Uttar Pradesh under its budget to provide interest-free bank loans to young individuals.
- The scheme envisages setting up 10 lakh microunits in the next 10 years by providing bank loans to 1 lakh individuals every year.
- For this purpose the Uttar Pradesh government has sidelined a budget of INR 1000 crore for the financial year 2024-25 and an approximate budget will be allocated each year till the next 10 years.
- All young individuals who are aged between 21 and 40 and have at least 8 grade qualification can avail of the Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Yojana.
Financial Benefits
- Each eligible young individual in Uttar Pradesh will receive a bank loan up to Rs. 5,00,000 on which no interest will have to be paid as the same will be borne by the state government.
- The amount of the loan will be transferred to the eligible applicant for establishing micro units for entrepreneurships.
- To encourage the digital transactions the government will also provide additional incentives to the entrepreneurs up to a maximum of Rs. 2000 in a financial year.
Eligibility Criteria
- The applicants should have permanent residency in the state of Uttar Pradesh to be eligible for Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Yojana.
- The age of the applicant should not be below 21 years and above 40 years at the time of application.
- The applicants should have at least 8th grade educational qualification however priority will be given to those individuals who are 12th qualified.
Targeted Beneficiaries and Coverage
The scheme will encompass about 10 lakh young individuals in the upcoming 10 years and provide them financial assistance in the form of an interest-free bank loan. The scheme will be instrumental for young individuals in Uttar Pradesh to undertake income and employment generating activities without worrying about financial crunch. Every year about 1 lakh people will be covered under the Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Scheme and provided with finance up to INR 5,00,000 from the state government.
See also: UP Berojgari Bhatta Yojana
Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Yojana: Apply Online 2025
Applicants can submit their online applications to avail of the benefits from the Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Yojana on the Yuvasathi Portal of the Uttar Pradesh Government after the online window is open. To complete the application process for the scheme applicants are required to complete the following steps.
- First of all applicants should visit the official Yuva Sathi Portal of the Uttar Pradesh government and reach the home page of the website.
- After they land on the home page they should complete the registration process first by creating an account on the Yuva Sathi Portal.
- On the portal you should click on the Registration option and you will reach a new page in which you have to provide your mobile number and click on the Verify option for verification.
- After the mobile verification is done the applicant should provide the required details in the registration form and complete the registration.
- After the successful registration the applicant can login to their account and apply for the scheme using the online application window.
- Next fill out the application form with the mandatory details upload a copy of the necessary documents and proceed with the final submission.
- Submitted applications will be verified from the government database and eligible beneficiaries will receive the amount in their bank accounts after approval from the Uttar Pradesh government.
Required Documents
- Aadhar Card
- Educational qualification details
- Income certificate
- Family ID
- Mobile number
- Email ID
- PAN card
- Photograph
- Other documents as required
Frequently Asked Questions
Which government administers the Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Yojana?
The government of Uttar Pradesh runs the Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Scheme.
How much assistance will be provided under the Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Scheme?
Young individuals will be supported with a bank loan of up to Rs. 5,00,000 which will be interest-free.
Who can avail of the UP Yuva Udyami Vikas Yojana?
All young individuals who are at least 8th qualified and have permanent residency in Uttar Pradesh will be eligible.
What is the age criteria for the scheme?
The age of the applicant for this scheme should be between 21 and 40.
What is the application process for the UP Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Yojana?
The application process is online and can be performed on the official website.
What is the official website for the scheme?
The official website is