PARTH Yojana, launched by the Madhya Pradesh government, stands for Police Army Recruitment Training and Hunar and will assist young individuals in the state with proper physical and educational training. The scheme has been launched by chief minister Mohan Yadav and aims to support the mental and physical advancement of the youth to get selected in the army, paramilitary and police from a career perspective. The PARTH Scheme mandates physical training and learning processes that will develop young individuals into a full-fledged personality to get selection in the armed forces and police. The scheme will be instrumental in helping the young individuals with training and guidance, thereby leading to their preparations reaching new heights.
Launch of PARTH Yojana
The Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav initiated the PARTH Scheme on 8 January 2025. The scheme was launched to guide young individuals in their preparations to get enrolled in the armed forces and police force by providing them necessary physical training and support for written examinations. The scheme will help the youth achieve the rigorous physical standard demanded by the armed forces during enrolments and also provide them with mandatory coaching support for knowledge of reasoning, mathematics and English proficiency. Aspirants are required to register themselves for the scheme first and then apply for the training programmes.
Short Summary of PARTH Yojana
Name of Scheme | PARTH Yojana |
Launched on | 8 January 2025 |
Launched by | Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, Government of Madhya Pradesh |
Scheme type | Apprenticeship Scheme |
Beneficiaries | Young individuals undertaking preparations for armed forces and police |
Benefits | Physical training and coaching for written examination |
Application Process | Online/offline |
Official Website | coming soon |
Aims and Objectives
A large number of young individuals undertake preparations to get enrolled in armed forces and police establishments in Madhya Pradesh. Through this scheme, the state government will now assist such youth and provide them with the necessary skills, physical training and coaching for written examinations so that more individuals could get jobs in the military, paramilitary and state police. This initiative will build the necessary physical and mental standards among the youth and prepare them for a rigorous physical efficiency test and written examination conducted by the armed forces and police. The scheme will provide personal guidance to such youth in fulfilling their dreams of becoming parts of the armed forces and also deal with the prevalent unemployment issues.
See also: PM Internship Scheme
Key Features
- This scheme has been launched by the chief minister Shri Mohan Yadav for the young population of the state and it will provide training and guidance to them to get recruited in the armed forces and state police.
- The scheme will provide apprenticeship opportunities to lakhs of young individuals and support them in achieving mandatory physical and educational qualifications.
- Young individuals will have to complete the registration process and then apply for training as per their locality and choices for jobs.
- The scheme will apply to all divisions in Madhya Pradesh and cover all eligible young individuals irrespective of their socioeconomic status.
- The state government will set up training centres in all divisions to successfully operate this scheme.
Benefits of PARTH Yojana
- The PARTH Scheme will be helpful for those young individuals who aspire to get jobs in the armed forces and state police by providing them with necessary training.
- The scheme will provide physical training and also coach individuals to prepare them for the PET and written test which they are required to pass to get selected.
- The scheme will be helpful in honing the physical efficiency of the youth and dealing with the issue of unemployment in Madhya Pradesh.
Eligibility Criteria
- All the young individuals who have undertaken preparations for employment opportunities in armed forces and state police in Madhya Pradesh will be eligible.
- The applicant should have permanent residency in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
- The applicant should fulfil the age criteria to get training opportunities.
- The applicant should be ready for recruitments in the armed forces and state police.
Targeted beneficiaries and coverage
The PARTH Scheme will encompass all the young citizens who aspire to be recruited in the Armed Forces and State Police by passing the physical efficiency test and written examination. For this purpose, the government of Madhya Pradesh will establish training centres in all divisions of the state. The said training centres will have all the logistical and instrumental support for trainees to hone their physical skills and prepare them for written examinations.
See also: PM Vidyalaxmi Scheme
PARTH Yojana Registration 2025
After the launch of the PARTH Scheme by the chief minister, the further necessary actions will be taken and training centres will be established to fulfil the objectives of the scheme. It is estimated that the government of Madhya Pradesh will soon invite applications for the scheme and then only the aspiring individuals can proceed with the registration process and join the training programme.
Required Documents (tentative)
The following documents may be required to join the training programme under the PARTH Yojana.
- Aadhar Card
- Caste Certificate
- Age proof
- Mobile number
- Email ID
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the PARTH Yojana?
PARTH Yojana has been launched by the MP government to support its young citizens with necessary physical training and guidance for written examinations to get recruited in the armed forces and state police.
What is the aim of the PARTH Scheme?
The PARTH Scheme aims to support the preparations of young individuals for Armed Forces and police by providing them with necessary training and guidance to meet the demands of selection criteria as laid by the armed forces and police establishment.
What is the process to apply for PARTH Yojana?
Aspired individuals can complete the registration process online once the official website is launched and then join the training programme in their local area.
What is the full form of PARTH?
The full form of PARTH is Police Army Recruitment Training and Hunar.