Telangana Ration Card Download 2025: Apply for a New Ration Card, Check Status

Telangana Ration Card is an important document that guarantees free rations to economically weaker sections in Telangana State. With the help of a ration card, citizens in Telangana receive free rations each month for each member of their family. Free rations are distributed at fair price shops in all the districts across the state and citizens having a Telangana Ration Card can avail of the ration benefits. Additionally, the Telangana Ration Card also serves as a vital document in the state and is a key to several welfare schemes run by the central and state governments. Citizens can apply for a new Telangana Ration Card, download a ration card and make corrections by following the proper actions.

About Telangana Ration Card

The Telangana Ration Card provides citizens access to free rations and welfare schemes of the central and state governments. In Telangana, ration cards are issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs, Food and Civil Supplies. With the help of ration cards, the state government distributes free rations itself and on behalf of the central government of India. Fair Prices Shops are designated across the state for the fair distribution of rations each month to all eligible families having ration cards. In the Telangana State, a total of 90 lakh ration cards have already been issued to citizens including 35.51 lakh cards under the state food security policy whereas 55 lakh families are covered under the National Food Security Act, 2013.

Summary Details of Telangana Ration Card

Name of ArticleTelangana Ration Card
Concerned GovernmentGovt. of Telangana/govt. of India
Concerned DepartmentThe Department of Consumer Affair, Food and Civil Supplies
BenefitsDistribution of Free rations each month
BeneficiariesBPL, APL and EWS households in Telangana
Application ProcessOnline/offline
Official Website

Aims and Objectives

The government of Telangana issues its own state-sponsored ration cards to citizens apart from the ration benefits provided by the central government under the National Food Security Act of 2013. The purpose behind this is to cover more families with free ration benefits and also enable them to have access to welfare schemes administered by the state government. Telangana Ration Card is issued to ensure no citizens remain in hunger and envisages protecting citizens from malnutrition by providing free rations for all members of the family. The main objective of the Telangana Ration Card is to save citizens from hunger and malnutrition and protect them with food security.

See also: Indiramma Housing Scheme

Eligibility Requirement

  • The applicant should be a bona fide citizen of Telangana.
  • There should be a female member aged 18 and more in the applicant’s family.
  • If there is no adult female member then the ration card will be issued to the male head of the family.
  • The applicant’s family should be covered under either the National Food Security Act, 2013 or Telangana State Food Security Programme.
  • The applicant family should belong to BPL and EWS categories.

Application Process for Telangana Ration Card

  • To apply for a new ration card in Telangana applicants are required to visit the official website and complete the process.
  • For this purpose, applicants should go to the official MeeSeval Portal of the Telangana government first by visiting
  • After they reach the home screen they should navigate to the Downloads option and then click on Application Forms.
telangana ration card application form
telangana ration card form
  • Now fill out the application form with mandatory information in all fields and enclose the documents such as the Aadhar card of each member, resident proof and a photograph.
  • Then submit the application form to the nearest MeeSeva kendra and collect the acknowledgement receipt for future actions.
  • The Telangana Commissionerate of Civil Supplies is responsible for implementation of the ration card benefits and supervises the distribution of essential commodities such as PDS rice, wheat, sugar and kerosene oil.

Useful Documents

  • Aadhar card of the applicant and other family members
  • Resident proof
  • Photograph
  • Mobile number

See also: Telangana Rythu Bharosa Scheme

Telangana Ration Card Status Check

telangana ration card status
  • The above step will redirect you to a new page where you are required to enter your user name and password, fill in the Captcha code and click Login.
  • You will be logged in to your account and now you can check the status of your Telangana Ration Card.

Contact Information

  • Address: Consumer Affairs, Civil Supplies Bhavan, Erramanjil, Hyderabad-500 082
  • Telephone: 040-23336116
  • Fax : 040-23318456

Frequently Asked Questions

Which department issues ration cards in Telangana?

The department of consumer affairs, food and civil supplies issues ration cards to citizens in the state of Telangana.

How many households are covered under the Telangana Ration Card?

The state of Telangana has a total of 90 lakh active ration cards, out of which about 35.51 lakh cards are operational under the state food security scheme whereas about 55 lakh families are covered under the National Food Security Act, 2013.

What is the process to apply for a Ration Card in Telangana?

Applicants can visit the nearest MeeSeva Centre to collect the application form or download it from the official MeeSeval Portal free of charge. Then fill out the application form and submit it to the concerned MeeSeval Kendra with the necessary enclosures.

What documents are required to apply for a New Ration Card in Telangana?

The applicants are required to produce some useful documents including the Aadhar card of each member of the family and resident proof and photograph.

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